checked | boolean | (optional) determine whether the switch is checked or not. The default will be false . |
title | string | (required) the title of the input - describing it a bit further for accessibility reasons. |
label | ReactNode | (optional) use either the label property or provide a custom one. |
labelPosition | left right | (optional) defines the position of the label . Use either left or right . Defaults to right . |
labelSrOnly | string | (optional) use true to make the label only readable by screen readers. |
size | default medium large | (optional) the size of the switch. For now there is medium (default) and large. |
status | ReactNode | (optional) text with a status message. The style defaults to an error message. You can use true to only get the status color, without a message. |
statusState | error warn info success marketing | (optional) defines the state of the status. Currently, there are two statuses [error, info] . Defaults to error . |
statusProps | FormStatus | (optional) use an object to define additional FormStatus properties. |
globalStatus | GlobalStatus | (optional) the configuration used for the target GlobalStatus. |
suffix | ReactNode | (optional) text describing the content of the Switch more than the label. You can also send in a React component, so it gets wrapped inside the Switch component. |
skeleton | boolean | (optional) if set to true , an overlaying skeleton with animation will be shown. |
innerRef | string | (optional) by providing a React.ref we can get the internally used input element (DOM). E.g. innerRef={myRef} by using React.createRef() or React.useRef() . |
Space | string object | (optional) Spacing properties like top or bottom are supported. |